The method
The 5 Steps to a Successful Cleanse
Drink Up
Take the Morning Mineral Shot before breakfast. Making the drink is super easy. It’s just two ingredients and a blender.
Take a high quality probiotic. Don’t skip this step!
Follow with at least 1.5 liters of water (don’t skimp!)
Eat Clean
Pair with lean proteins, low carbs, and lots of plants. Cut out dairy, sugar, and sugary foods. For increased weight loss, replace breakfast with the Morning Mineral Blend!
Take the Herbal Elimination Supplement before bed. It should be the last solid thing of the day. Do not substitute or skip. Start with 1-2 and work your way up to 3 or 4. Take no more than 4 in a day.
Mineral Infusion Bath: Feeling die-off symptoms? The bath is great for this. Soak in warm (not hot) water for maximum absorption. It can also be used as a foot bath.
TAKEAWAY: A Drink in the Morning. Pills at Night.
NOT NEGOTIABLE: Probiotics and Lots of Water!
Follow this checklist to make sure you’re stocked up and ready the morning you start!
Prep for Success
- Have your support supplements on hand. Get probiotics HERE
- Clear your fridge and pantry anything too tempting. Bye-bye sugar, dairy, and gluten.
- Stock up on the ingredients you need for a clean fresh diet. Check out a mini meal plan and food lists HERE
- Stop coffee and alcohol and start hydrating like crazy two days prior. This will help with detox symptoms.
Read the FAQ section for all the answers on how best to support the cleanse.