1. Boosts immune response
2. Highly anti-inflammatory
3. Extracts heavy metals and radiation
4. Absorb vitamins and minerals more efficiently
5. Increase in vitality
6. Improves gut biome, stabilizing mood
7. Decrease in brain fog, fatigue, and water retention
8. Physical link to the healing energy of the earth
WEEK 1 : In a couple of days, the cleanse should blend seamlessly into your life. Use the free Mineral Infusion Bath to help alleviate detox symptoms like headache, fatigue, or foggy brain. You should be eliminating lots! Depending on your lifestyle, you may lose a few pounds.
WEEK 2 : By the end of Week 2 most people start to feel a positive difference all over. They report a brighter mood, lots of energy, and a decrease in gut and stomach problems. You are doing great, keep going!

WEEK 3 : This week you may start to see a physical difference. Elimination is smooth, the tummy is flatter, the skin and eyes look clear and bright. As you get used to an increased level of energy, step up your exercise and lifestyle! Some people go through a second layer of die-off.
WEEK 4 : is when lasting, systemic change takes hold. The gut and stomach have had a chance to repair and now the other organs are available for healing. That means less cravings and less fatigue. Four weeks are optimal for a total reset with lasting results. Continue taking you probiotics and eating clean for at least two weeks after the cleanse.